We’ve been using this mantra for years, in both our professional and personal lives. Chances are, you've seen carryover in the way you live your life and the way you conduct business. Life is Sales draws out those similarities and provides a system for bringing intentionality into all areas of your life.

We all sell!

Life Is Sales refers to the fact that we are all selling all of the time, no matter our role or industry. We are selling ideas, potential, and ourselves. We have the power to impact others in a positive or negative way with our behavior, both consciously and unconsciously.

Sales is an opportunity to serve others.

Sales gets a bad rap, and we’re working to change the narrative. We all have subconscious biases about sales, but we’re limiting ourselves if we simply accept those biases without attempting to explore and understand them. Biases prevent us from embracing the fact that sales facilitates service to others. By embracing this philosophy, we are able to be more intentional about sales as a holistic concept and always sell from a place of service.