Welcome to Life Is Sales, where we develop salespeople to be more successful at every stage of their career.

If you’re just starting out in sales or eager to bring your career to the next level, you’ve come to the right place.

Created by Rich Lyons and led by senior coach Drew Allison, Life Is Sales equips students with the hard and soft skills necessary for a successful sales career.



“Life Is Sales” is more than a tagline. It’s a mantra that has a deep and personal meaning to Rich and Drew. Life Is Sales is a principle that guides their thoughts and behaviors. 

Sales gets a bad rap, but the fact is, we all sell. We sell ourselves when applying for a new job. We sell our ideas when presenting in a meeting. We sell others on their potential when building teams or raising a family. It’s a part of everyday life, whether we realize it or not.

We say that "Life is Sales" because the strategies you learn in sales can be applied to other areas of your professional and personal life. By understanding the fact that we all sell, we can embrace and use the curriculum to our advantage.

By implementing the Life Is Sales mentality, we can:

  • Redefine what it means to serve ourselves and others

  • Build deeper and more valuable relationships

  • Develop a growth mindset that leads to resilience and a love of learning

  • Live and work with more efficiency and effectiveness

  • Maximize our potential with more intention and purpose



Success in sales requires a blend of hard and soft skills. The best salespeople are able to seamlessly navigate using these skills from one call, meeting, or job to the next. 

The program consists of three components, each offering a different way of learning. The foundation of the program is the Video Course, an on-demand series of 26 recorded lessons and an immersive workbook. From here, students can choose to opt into Sales Groups and/or Individual Coaching for enhanced impact.

  • Video Course
    On demand, with an immersive workbook

  • Sales Groups
    Biweekly, with a focus on hitting targets and increasing volume

  • Individual Coaching
    Focusing on internalizing the curriculum for you and your business



These sales veterans bring to the table a variety of business and leadership experiences. They’ve combined their knowledge to develop this well-rounded program that teaches proven concepts and shares true stories from their careers. Rich and Drew approach sales from a service standpoint, having built their careers on solving problems and helping others. They are continuing to serve by sharing their insights with others to develop the next generation of sales professionals.

The salesman turned CEO

In a career that spans over 35 years, Rich has worn nearly every hat in the sales business: entrepreneur, engineer, marketer, business owner, leader, and now, advisor and investor. In 2003, he founded Lyons Consulting Group (LYONSCG), growing it to become the premier eCommerce Digital Agency and Global Commerce Service Provider in the world, ultimately leading to a nine-figure acquisition by Capgemini in 2017. Rich learned long ago that sales is a service, business is all about culture, and people are the lifeblood of both. He is currently advising, investing, consulting, and teaching.





The sales manager turned consultant

With a degree in Philosophy and an MBA in Transformational Leadership & Coaching, Drew employs a psychology-based approach to sales and business. From small businesses to international companies, he has worked across multiple business models and sold everything from custom American-made shoes to millions of dollars in insurance coverage. While at Guaranteed Rate Insurance, Drew grew the sales team from 20 to 60 producers and the monthly premium from $900K to $2.8M. He believes sales is as much of an art as it is a science, and his teaching methods support a blending of concepts from both sides of that coin. Drew currently owns and operates Cape & Cowl Consulting.



Coming soon!

Rich’s memoir of the same title will dive into the Life Is Sales philosophy from a holistic perspective. Follow Rich’s journey as a salesperson, a business person, and a human being. Keep an eye out for it in Spring 2025!